
Krink teamed up with Girl Skateboards and Alife® to create a limited edition deck. Full dip silver with silver foil graphic.

Krink Studio: creative direction, product design, production, project management

Rider: Tony Fergusson

About Girl
Girl was formed in 1993, a time largely considered to be the "Golden Age" of skateboarding. It was just when street skateboarding was getting its sea legs and skateboarders were branching out. Part of this branching off process included starting companies of their own. In the case of Girl Skateboards, Mike Carroll and Rick Howard left World Industries to start Girl. Girl’s team has always had a family vibe, thanks to the videos Girl produced. Early on, videos like Mouse and Goldfish helped to cement the familiarity and unique style Girl Skateboards brought to the table. Today, Girl has proven successful keeping its roster competitive by adding the likes of Brandon Biebel, Sean Malto, and Breana Geering, and Rowan Davis, just to name a few.

The Girl Skateboard Company was founded in 1993 in Torrance, Calif. By Rick Howard, Mike Carroll, Megan Baltimore and Spike Jonze. Girl is perhaps best-known for its videos, which set the bar pretty high way back in the early '90s with gems like Goldfish and Mouse, and it’s team that feels more like a family than just a skate team.

About Alife®
Founded in 1999, Alife is a New York City-based, multi-tasking, multi-faceted, lifestyle driven company. Well known for its curatorial work, branded product, experiential retail concepts, art exhibitions, top-tier co-branded collaborations as well as live music events. Focused on art and creativity with a strong penchant for originality, Alife’s mission is to showcase, elevate and perpetuate the downtown culture from which it was born. Alife cannot be defined by one cultural movement alone. Alife is art. Alife is a curator of all that downtown represents and speaks to an international downtown audience that is as close as down the block and as far as across the globe.